Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Sketchup model week1

2 Images of the Sketchup Model (Week 1)

   The sketch : Trend & Meticulous

This is the model I made in Sketchup for this week. I made some little changes form the sketch and added more details to have a  better illustration of  the words I chose last week. I also put some basic form stairs into the model to indicate the approximate  places of  stairs I might use for next week however I am really not sure about where to put them.:(

The rear elevation of the model.

18 Sketches

18 Sketches 

1.Remarkable & Meticulous

2.Remarkable & Roar

3.Remarkable & Strength

1.Innovate & Meticulous

2.Innovate & Roar

3.Innovate & Strength

4.Trend & Meticulous

1.Trend Roar

2.Trend & Strength

3.Meticulous & Remarkable

4.Meticulous & Innovate

1.Meticulous & Trend

2.Roar & Remarkable

3.Roar & Innovate

4.Roar & Trend

1.Strength & Remarkable

2.Strength & Innovate

3.Strength & Trend

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

3 images and words

This model was one of the projects I made in my foundation year. The theme of this project is about the De Stijl, which was an important artistic movement in history. In this project I was inspired by Piet Mondrian’s art work, Composition in Red, Blue, Yellow. Therefore, I use a plenty of primary colors in my model as the demonstration to the de stijl movement.

The Villa Savoye
The Villa Savoye was designed by architect Le Corbusier, who was one of the most influential architects of 20th century. He is also being recognized as the father of Functionalism. The Villa Savoye is the representative of modern architecture and International style. In addition, Corbusier’s “Five Points of a New Architecture” are considered to be most evident in The Villa Savoye.

Rose Seidler House

This photo was taken in Rose Seidler House when I visit it in Wahroonga last year. The Rose Seidler House is now open to public as a house museum. My favorite part of this house is the unique mural and sundeck, as well as the Hardoy chairs on it. When I took this photo, there are some kids playing on the sundeck. So together these elements create a sense of vitality to the architecture and that image impressed me a lot.



Auto Fabrica

Hero and detail images

Hero shot Detail Shot Description: The above ground part is for the Off-White studio, and I draw a storage cabin...